Rising Above a Recession: 7 Winning Marketing Strategies for Your Small Business

Caroline D. Quinn Marketing Strategy, Small Business Marketing

As a small business owner, navigating through a recession can be daunting and challenging. Economic downturns can impact consumer spending habits, decrease demand for products or services, and tighten budgets. However, your small business can survive and thrive during a recession with the right marketing strategies. Here are seven practical marketing strategies to help your small business weather the storm. …

Affordable Holiday Marketing Ideas To Try For Your Local Business

Caroline D. Quinn Holiday Marketing, Small Business Marketing

Looking for some affordable marketing ideas for your local business during the holidays? Many of these ideas won’t take a lot of time to do and can have real impact. Here are a few that won’t break the bank: • Spotlight special services or amenities like free gift wrapping, curbside pick-up, personal shopping, etc. on your website, social media, emails, …

How Your Year-End Results Can Help You Create a Great Marketing Plan

Caroline D. Quinn Digital Analytics, Guides & How-To's, Marketing Plans, Small Business Marketing, Social Media Analytics, Website Analytics

[This post, originally published in 2017, has been updated.] It’s the start of a new year and you need to finalize (or maybe even begin) your marketing plan for the year. So where do you begin? With last year’s results. As with your business plan, it’s important to review last year’s results to determine where you are and where you …

7 Steps to Start Marketing Your New Business

Caroline D. Quinn Content Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Marketing Plans, Public Relations, Small Business Marketing, Social Media Marketing

So you just started a business or are very close to launching one. Great! There are SO many details and tasks to handle when you’re a new business owner. One of them is getting the word out about your new business. How can you do this without spending a lot of money? And what if you don’t know a thing …